The jabberwocky fights though the stoic waves of time and flesh, seethering amongst the rocky shores of the shining sea of stars. Encumbered by the treasure trove of the sap lie goodness, the proud surrender to the all encompassing trip over the rainbow. "Dust off the ships!", sang the captain. "the almighty beauty of the storm approaches"...
Bothered by the open stretch of dirt road, the elder traveler became weary by the stench of failure. Desperate to recede, he makes a quick decision to hesitate. Alone with his fellow beings and covered in the shadow of his own ego, a creature of disproportionate stature is born, bred, and raised. Fed and fueled only by an intense desire to withstand life if only to find out where it goes and how it ends.
There is a feather in your cap from which you drink. A never ending noodle twists around the vast reaches of of your inner circles. "This is a call to all who hear!", she shouted and the sound filled the space between her ears. "We we're not engineered to sit inside tiny boxes all day, praying to a goddess money!" Within earshot was not one soul. Within sight was but a blind traveler who feared for his life but begat his sole long ago when it was still worth more than a piece of nickel plated plastic.
"Around here the dead quiver as if they have something to say."
I heard a knock upon the open door, for it was the omega who whispered in my ear, the alpha is a long lost vessel. Grasping at straws it collides with the suction which matches the sound of the vacuum placed upon earth being sucked through the lips of a faceless, powerless chip off the old block. "Clone!", she accused. Unaware of the sackcloth of hair laid before her very eyes.
She jettisoned this as folly almost immediately, for you see conventional wisdom no longer applied. In fact, the opposite is what kept her afloat in this cesspool abyss. I could only deduct a fraction of the needed wisdom but I knew at the very least what is forgotten is as important as things remembered. If the answers do not lay in your success, they surely are possessed by your mistakes.
And then she danced. Her legs twisted as if they were licorice whips blowing in the gusts of a hurricane. To some seamed men, this seemed trite and pedantic yet this was her time to shine. The sounds of suction was as good as music to the ears of this sheltered woman and as liberating as speaking "Rabbit, Rabbit" on the first of the month. "Expression is freedom" she pondered. Jolted out of reality, she succumbed to this, the present of the present.
...and then he waved good-bye to the first person who once waved hello...
At 1:19 with a glance at the solid green glow of the clock he ingests what Grandfather called "happy pills". Sleep walking while awake, like a bump in the night, he collides with worlds of ignorance and tolerances. The pain spreads like cancer while the numb covers the feeling with void. Only the pharmaceutical company wins this battle. Fire in the hole!? Maybe. But we are too bland to know.
The white one stops the pain while the blue one numbs the emotion. He feels a new sickness created by the cure. Nausea induced by the chemical reaction of the brain suppressing the very thing is was created to create. Thoughts and feelings are now converted into a blank slate unable to be written upon. As if you are using dissipating ink on your quill.
His eyes roll back into his head and yet still see thousands of tiny lights shimmering as if a nest of glowworms had settled on his brain. A dream-catcher hangs overhead unaware of how it may go hungry tonight. These are not dreams. They aren't even nightmares. No. Those precious things indicate desire. This sleep produces more of a Rorschach splotch than any kind of lucidity. He accepts this fate at least until he can accept the fate of feeling the truth.
Unfortunately, his copious copulation of words and overlooked meanings lead to a lack of understanding. Not that anyone understood from the beginning and only in the last moments will the pieces fall into place and open the chasm that is the new world view. An amazingly scary beautiful feast for the eyes and orgasm to the ears. It's quite unfortunate that most of those ears will tend to fall asleep after their climax. Perhaps the infinite wisdom of king medicine will invent ear Viagra by then.